A Devonshire Frawzy

A Devonshire Frawzy

We’ve been to a Frawzy!!  Designed to help us all keep in touch with our Devon roots – or learn more about our home county, A Devonshire Frawzy took place in Crediton late last month..

A “frawzy” is an old Westcountry word for a treat, and this event celebrated authentic Devonshire food and dialect.  Gray’s Farm Cider provided some traditional still cider from our centuries old recipe whilst Dr Paul Cleave presented an interactive discussion around food and culture.

Everyone was invited to bring and share their own home cooked Devonshire delights and Jim Causley provided musical entertainment.  

We had a great reception at the time and a lovely note from Dr Cleave afterwards to say, “Not only was your cider enjoyed,  but having you both there to tell the story and serve the cider added greatly to the event!”

It all happened on the 29 April at the Boniface Centre in Crediton but it was such a success, we hope to see it happen again – watch this space.

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