Two easy but tasty seasonal cider recipes

Two easy but tasty seasonal cider recipes

Cider’s a hugely versatile ingredient – both in the kitchen and the drinks cabinet.  From mulled cider in winter to our favourite summer punch, there’s more to Gray’s Devon Cider than you might think.

Try out one of these family recipes to really make the most of the apple flavours.

Gray’s Summer Cider Punch

Over some crushed ice, mix a litre of Gray’s Medium Blend with half a litre of fresh orange juice and a good splash of orange squash.
At this point you can add either half a litre of lemonade for a sparkling “refresher”, or 200-300mls of dark rum for a fabulous cocktail.
Decorate with apple and orange slices and be warned – it’s easy to drink but packs a punch!

Gray’s Mulled Cider

Mix a litre of Gray’s Simply Sweet with half a litre of tropical juice and half a litre of lemonade in a large pan.  Add sugar to taste (using sweet cider means less sugar is required)

Fill a spice or tea infuser with a mix of whole cloves, cinnamon sticks and dried or fresh root ginger and hang from the edge of the pan so the spices are submerged.

Bring to the boil and simmer very gently for an hour or three (or simply pop into the simmering oven of the Aga overnight)

Serve warm over an option bed of dark rum.

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